Confined spaces can be deadly. In 1997, the regulations were introduced in order to control industry and the self-employed.

It is now the law that if you are involved with entering, controlling or supervising people involved with confined space work you must have received training. Failure to comply with the 1997 Confined Space regulations can result in prosecution. People are killed or seriously injured in confined spaces every year all over the world. This includes a large number of people trying to rescue others without sufficient equipment or training.

2 Days (14 hrs.)
Written and Practical Exam



A number of workers are injured or killed each year while working in tight spaces. An estimated 60% of the fatalities each year have been among the would-be rescuers. Working in confined spaces can be more hazardous than regular workspaces for many reasons. To effectively control the risks associated with working in a tight spaces, a Hazard Assessment and Control Program should be implemented for your workplace. Before putting this program together, make sure to review the specific regulations that may apply to your workplace.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the participants should be able to:

  • Understand the scope & application of OSHA’s various confined space entry standards.
  • Know about “Confined Spaces”, then determine if they are “Permit Required”
  • Understand OSHA requirements for developing and maintaining a “permit-required confined space entry program”
  • Know responsibilities of entrants, attendants, entry supervisors, contractors.
  • Identify when you may utilize OSHA’s “Alternate Entry” and “Reclassification” procedures.
  • Understand the requirements for “Rescue & Emergency Services”
  • Have a basic knowledge of the general use and limitations of related equipment.

Target Audience

This course is designed for persons designated as attendants for confined spaces at workplace.

Course Outline

Day 1

  • Current confined spaces legislation
  • Identify a confined space & Why Is This Important?
  • Hazard Assessment
  • Evaluating Permit-Required in confined Spaces
  • Evaluating Hazardous Atmospheres
  • Entry Permit Required
  • On-Site Rescue & Emergency Services

Day 2

  • Entry Plans
  • Entry PPE Check list
  • Confined Space Controls
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Identify the hazards within confined spaces
  • Carry out a safe entry
  • Carry out an emergency Rescue
  • Rescue & Communication Plans
  • Understand the requirements for strict control measures
  • Permit to work and safe systems of work
  • Use of Breathing Apparatus

Course Approvals