• Managers, Supervisors and workers all over the world take this course because it gives them the skills and know-how to fulfil their health & safety responsibilities in any kind of organization.
  • NEBOSH IGC is also suitable for those embarking on a career in health and safety providing a sound basis for progression on to the international diploma.
3 weeks (70 hours)
Written and Practical Exam



The NEBOSH International Certificate provides comprehensive details on the fundamentals of occupational safety and health promoting the highest standards on safety and health. The syllabus is based on advanced, highly technical and internationally certified and recognized standards and best practices.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the participants should be able to:

  • Explain Scope and nature of occupational health and safety reasons for maintaining and promoting good standards of health and safety in the workplace – Role of national governments and international bodies in formulating a framework for the regulation of health and safety.
  • Highlight Key elements of a health and safety management system purpose and importance of setting policy for Health and safety.
  • Outline Health & Safety Roles and Responsibilities of employers, directors, managers, workers and other relevant parties.
  • Highlight Importance of planning – Principles and practice of Risk Assessment – General Principles of control and hierarchy, of risk reduction measures – Sources of Health and Safety information – Safe Systems of Work – Permits to Work.
  • Outline Health, Welfare and Work Environment Requirements– Movement of people in the workplace –Working at Height.
  • Explain Safe movement of vehicles in the workplace, driving at work.
  • Understand Work-related Upper Limb Disorders – Manual Handling Hazards, Risks and Control Measures.
  • Understand General Principles for selection, use and maintenance of work equipment.
  • Define the Principles of Fire initiation, classification, spread– Fire Risk Assessment – Fire Prevention and Prevention of Fire spread – Fire alarm system and firefighting equipment – Evacuation of a workplace.
  • Understand the forms of, classification of, and health risks from, hazardous substances

Target Audience

Managers, supervisors and employees based outside the UK who require a broad knowledge and understanding of health and safety principles and practices. The NEBOSH International General Certificate is also suitable for those embarking on a career in health and safety, providing a sound basis for progression on to the NEBOSH International Diploma.

Course Outline

Week 1
IGC 1: Management of International Health
& Safety

  • Foundations in Health and Safety
  • Health and Safety Management systemsPlan
  • Health and Safety Management systems-Do
  • Health and Safety Management systemsCheck
  • Health and Safety Management systems- Act

Week 2
IGC 2: Control of Workplace Hazards

  • Workplace hazards and risk control
  • Transport hazards and risk control
  • Musculoskeletal hazards and risk contro

Week 3
Work equipment hazards and risk control

  • Electrical Safety
  • Fire Safety
  • Chemical and biological health hazards and
  • risk control
  • Physical and psychological health hazards and risk control

Week 4
IGC 3: Health & Safety Practical Application

  • Workplace Practical Assessment PA4
  • Exam Revision
  • Final Exam

Course Approvals