Good manufacturing processes are essential to the production of good food. All employees, whatever their job role must understand why they are being asked to achieve certain standards and perform to a high level. Without understanding what is being demanded no one will perform consistently. In today’s food manufacturing environment, even a small chance of failure is too high.

1 Day (7 hrs.)
Written exam



Learners gaining this qualification will know that food safety is the responsibility of everyone involved in the storage, preparation, processing, packing and handling of food. The subjects covered are regarded by the Foods Standards Agency as being important to ensure good practice and the production of safe food.

Course Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the participants should be able to:

  • Understand how individuals can take personal responsibility for food safety in a manufacturing environment.
  • Understand the importance of keeping him/herself clean and hygienic.
  • Understand the importance of keeping work areas clean and hygienic in a manufacturing environment.
  • Understanding how to keep food safe in a manufacturing environment.

Target Audience

The Level 1 Award in Food Safety for Manufacturing is a qualification intended for learners working in the manufacturing environment in low-risk roles but where there is an element of food handling. This could include and stock/store room staff.

Course Outline

Day 1

  • An Introduction to Food Safety and Hazards
  • Microbiological Hazards (multiplication and survival) and Controls
  • Contamination Hazards and Controls in Manufacturing
  • Personal Hygiene
  • Cleaning and Disinfection

Course Approvals